Posts tagged sermons
Sermon Series: Update

 "The letter to the Philippians is one of the most joyous books in the Bible. All the way through the letter Paul speaks of inner joy, of inner happiness -- sixteen times in four brief chapters.  And he does it in such an artless way we know that one who advised the Philippians to 'rejoice in the Lord always' had himself found the true source of joy. He had not only learned in whatever state he was to be content; he had learned to rejoice in whatever state he was. He overflowed with rejoicing." (James Montgomery Boice, Philippians: An Expositional Commentary (Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Books, 2000), 12. Emphasis added)

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Some Practical Suggestions Regarding Worship

Attending worship and listening to a sermon can be difficult at times. There are so many distractions that seem to get in the way of a serious and attentive focus on the preaching of God’s Word. No one is immune to this issue. It is certainly true that whenever the Word of God is preached, the enemy of our souls is never more alive and active, seeking to prevent God’s people from hearing the living voice of Christ speak through the Word proclaimed. What are we to do to avoid this constant plague upon our lives? Allow me to offer a few practical tips to help focus and benefit more from the Word proclaimed.

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