Posts tagged Matthew 7
The Morning Devotional: WCF 18.1 (Part One)

The Morning Devotional for May 26, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 18.1 (Part One)

I. Although hypocrites and other unregenerate men may vainly deceive themselves with false hopes and carnal presumptions of being in the favour of God and estate of salvation,a which hope of theirs shall perish:b yet such as truly believe in the Lord Jesus, and love him in sincerity, endeavoring to walk in all good conscience before him, may in this life be certainly assured that they are in a state of grace,c and may rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, which hope shall never make them ashamed.d

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 7

Read: Matthew 7

Matthew 7 completes the Sermon on the Mount section of Matthew’s gospel. In this chapter, Jesus takes up several subjects. First, he treats the issue of hypocrisy in judgment (7:1-6). These verses have often been misunderstood and wrongly applied. Some argue that Jesus is teaching that we are never to make judgments about the behavior of others. If that is the case, verse 6 would be strange, as well as many other sections of Scripture (E.g., Matt. 18:15ff.). Jesus teaches us that we are not to judge by hypocrisy. Instead, we must be mindful of our sinful tendencies before we judge and address issues with our brothers and sisters.

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