Posts in bible reading
Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 28

Read: Genesis 28

Genesis 28 continues the narrative from chapter 27 with the immediate consequences of Jacob's deceitful behavior over his father, Isaac. Because Esau threatened to kill Jacob, Rebekah sends him to his uncle, Laban, forcing him to leave his land and become an exile in another country. The theme of exile and restoration will dominate the Pentateuch for many chapters and into the historical books of the Old Testament. That theme is one that God's people continue today. We are pilgrims and sojourners in this world as we await a better country, the New Heavens and the New Earth.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 27

Read: Genesis 27

There are two occasions in Scripture when a man blesses his sons at the end of his life. In both of them, Jacob is at the center. The account of Genesis 27 is that of Isaac blessing his sons before he dies. His health is failing, and his eyes dim. Isaac intended to bless Esau as the oldest, but Rebekah tricked her husband resulting in the blessing being placed on Jacob. That singular act strengthens the words of 25:23.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 26

Read: Genesis 26

Genesis 26 renews the covenant initially made with Abraham with the seed of promise, Isaac. After the introduction to Isaac and the introduction to his two sons, we have in this chapter a confirmation that Isaac is indeed the son of promise. The parallels between the life of Abraham and that of his son are striking and reinforce the faithfulness of God to bring to Abraham's family line the seed of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 25

Read: Matthew 25

 Matthew 25 deals with matters related to the final judgment. It does so in three ways, as highlighted in the three main sections of the chapter. First, Jesus gives an exhortation to watch because no one knows when the Son of man will return. That is an important reminder for all of us. We are to be busy living to the glory of God in the here and now as we look and wait for the return of the Savior.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 25

Genesis 25 is the account of the death of Abraham and begins the section of the Genesis narrative dealing with the life of Issac. Though the narrative highlights the birth of other children, it should be noted that Isaac was the lone heir of all that Abraham possessed. That is another indicator of the seed of the woman theme that began in Gen. 3:15. It is through Isaac that the goldy line would continue.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 24

Read: Matthew 24

 Matthew 24 is known as the Olivet discourse in which Jesus teaches on two events. The first event is the temple's destruction, which is the context of the discourse. The second event is that which occurs at the end of the age. Though there are many interpretations of this chapter, the item to focus on today is simply this: The God of creation is in total control of events that are happening, and those events will bring about the church's victory through the return of Christ. He puts all enemies under his feet. It is essential not to get lost in all the details of eschatological thought and miss that salient truth. As God’s people, the victory is secured, and we rest waiting for the return of our King.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 24

Genesis 24

Genesis 24 marks the beginning of the narrative section dealing with the lives of Isaac and Rebekah. This chapter gives the details as to how Rebekah became the wife of Isaac. It is one of the lengthier narrative sections in the book. The primary item to watch for as you read through this chapter is the providence of God working through the mundane details of life. God’s providence is a comforting doctrine for his people. It teaches us that God governs all things and all actions of his creatures. It is not reserved only for the significant issues of life, but it governs everything from the seemingly minor to the most important significant issues that affect all of us.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 23

Matthew 23

Matthew 23 is known as the “seven woes given by Christ to the religious leaders of his day. In this chapter, we have Christ exercising his prophetic office as he preaches woe to them. The term “woe” is strong. It conveys much more than a mere warning but one of impending doom. Ther seven woes can be labeled as follows:

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 23

Read: Genesis 23

Genesis 23 marks the end of the Abrahamic narrative with the death of Sarah, his wife. Sarah’s death allows Abraham to purchase land in Hebron, thus setting up a marker – a landmark of possession that his people will inherit the land of Canaan just as God had promised to him. Hebron will later become the capital of Israel before it is moved to Jerusalem.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 22

Read: Matthew 22

This chapter continues some various temple discourses given by Christ. For today's devotional, we will look at only two of them. First, the teaching regarding paying taxes to Caeser (22:15-22). That section of Matthew's gospel has often been used to substantiate the obligation of citizens to pay taxes to the government. Although that is not untrue, the real point is that we owe him everything as image-bearers of God.

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