Devotional for February 5, 2025
Reading: Genesis 26 | Matthew 26 | Psalm 26
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The Morning Devotional for September 22, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 29.5
V. The outward elements in this sacrament, duly set apart to the uses ordained by Christ, have such relation to him crucified, as that truly, yet sacramentally only, they are sometimes called by the name of the things they represent, to wit, the body and blood of Christ;a albeit, in substance and nature, they still remain truly, and only, bread and wine, as they were before.b
Read MoreThe Morning Devotional for September 21, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 29.4
IV. Private masses, or receiving this sacrament by a priest, or any other, alone;a as likewise the denial of the cup to the people;b worshipping the elements, the lifting them up, or carrying them about for adoration, and the reserving them for any pretended religious use, are all contrary to the nature of this sacrament, and to the institution of Christ.c
Read MoreThe Morning Devotional for September 20, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 29.3
III. The Lord Jesus hath, in this ordinance, appointed his ministers to declare his word of institution to the people, to pray, and bless the elements of bread and wine, and thereby to set them apart from a common to an holy use; and to take and break the bread, to take the cup, and (they communicating also themselves) to give both to the communicants;a but to none who are not then present in the congregation.b
Read MoreThe Morning Devotional for September 19, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 29.2
II. In this sacrament Christ is not offered up to his Father, nor any real sacrifice made at all for remission of sins of the quick or dead,a but only a commemoration of that one offering up of himself, by himself, upon the cross, once for all, and a spiritual oblation of all possible praise unto God for the same;b so that the Popish sacrifice of the mass, as they call it, is most abominably injurious to Christ’s one only sacrifice, the alone propitiation for all the sins of the elect.c
Read MoreThe Morning Devotional for September 5, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 27.3
III. The grace which is exhibited in or by the sacraments, rightly used, is not conferred by any power in them; neither doth the efficacy of a sacrament depend upon the piety or intention of him that doth administer it,a but upon the work of the Spirit,b and the word of institution, which contains, together with a precept authorizing the use thereof, a promise of benefit to worthy receivers.c
Read MoreThe Morning Devotional for September 4, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 27.2
II. There is in every sacrament a spiritual relation or sacramental union, between the sign and the thing signified; whence it comes to pass that the names and the effects of the one are attributed to the other.a
Read MoreRead: Matthew 26
Matthew 26 is one of the longest chapters in the gospel record. Contained within are the following items, all leading to the Savior's death, burial, and resurrection.
First, The plot to kill Jesus reaches a fever pitch from within the ranks of the religious leaders (26:1-5).
Read MoreThe Morning Devotional for March 15, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 8.4 (Part One)
IV. This office the Lord Jesus did most willingly undertake,a which, that he might discharge, he was made under the law,b and did perfectly fulfill it;c endured most grievous torments immediately in his soul,d and most painful sufferings in his body;e was crucified, and died;fwas buried, and remained under the power of death, yet saw no corruption.g On the third day he arose from the dead,h with the same body in which he suffered;i with which also he ascended into heaven, and there sitteth at the right hand
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