Posts tagged wsc3
Daily Prayer for March 15, 2021: WSC Q3 (3)

Q3 What do the scriptures principally teach?
The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. (2 Tim. 1:13, 2 Tim. 3:16)

Prayer: our great God in heaven, you who have revealed yourself in creation and your Word, we thank you that you have not left us to wander in darkness. On the Lord's day, we hear from men called by you to preach your Word to our hearts. Through this primary means of grace, we have what is required of your people. We are told what we must believe, and we are told what we must do. We not only hear your Word, but we are told to obey what we hear. We thank you that you have given us the mind of Christ and his living voice through the proclamation of your Word. We confess that we are often slow to learn and slow to incorporate what we hear each Lord's day into our daily lives. We do not want to be dull of hearing, and we desire to be diligent in duty. Please help us, by your Spirit, and grant us a greater willingness, with obedience when we hear your Word preached. We pray these things in the name of the Savior. Amen.

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