Posts tagged Genesis 21
Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 21

Read: Genesis 21

Genesis 21 is a critical chapter within the Abrahamic narrative. The opening verses fulfill the promise made to Abraham regarding an heir – a son of his seed that will carry the thematic structure of the seed of the woman forward (See Gen. 3:15). The application of the opening verses should be a comfort to all of us as we ponder the promises of God given to us in his Word, knowing that he will do what he says. In obedience to God’s command, Abraham names his son Isaac (which means “laughter), circumcises him as he is a member of the visible church of old, and Sarah responds in praise to God for his blessing. That leads to another application for our lives. We often pray and ask God to remember his promises to us, but do we also remember to praise and thank him when he responds? It is easy to forget that, but we shouldn’t. We not only need God’s faithfulness, but we need to be faithful to thank him when he blesses us.

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