Devotional for January 16, 2025
Reading: Genesis 12 | Matthew 12 | Psalm 12
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The Morning Devotional for May 25, 2023
The Westminster Confession of Faith 17.3
III. Nevertheless they may, through the temptations of Satan and of the world, the prevalency of corruption remaining in them, and the neglect of the means of their preservation, fall into grievous sins;a and for a time continue therein:b whereby they incur God’s displeasure,c and grieve his Holy Spirit;d come to be deprived of some measure of their graces and comforts;ehave their hearts hardened,f and their consciences wounded;g hurt and scandalize others,hand bring temporal judgments upon themselves.i
Read MoreRead: Genesis 12
The book of Genesis has several key chapters you should know and summarize. Chapters 3, 11, and the one for today are some of them. Genesis 12 highlights the essential nature of the Abrahamic covenant. Abraham came from a land of pagan idolatry, called by God from the Ur of the Chaldeans, to dwell in a country not his own. Chapter twelve opens with the promise of God’s protection and care for him and his seed throughout all generations. Some within Christendom view this covenant as made with a particular group who are promised a portion of land. Though that is what eventually occurs, the idea is far more than physical. The descendants of Abraham are the spiritual seed of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul equates this covenant with those descendants that are a chosen people and made to be a holy nation.
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