Posts tagged Bible Knowledge
Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 8

Read: Matthew 8

Matthew Eight presents Jesus’ ministry through two main sections. The first section highlights the mercy ministry of Christ as he cleanses a leper, heals many, and casts out the demons. In these verses, we see the power of the Son of God over the forces of evil and sin. We also note the compassionate nature of Christ towards those impacted by the effects of the fall. The second section is instructive regarding following Christ.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Genesis 6

Read: Genesis 6

Genesis Six sets the stage for the Flood narrative highlighted in chapters 7-9. It sets forth the issues that bring about the flood and the judgment of God on the earth. There are numerous items of academic consideration in this chapter. For instance, who are the Nephilim? What is their function in the narrative? Scholars have debated this question, and the short answer is that we do not know.

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Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 1

Read: Matthew 1


The gospel of Matthew begins with a genealogy ending with the birth of Christ. Matthew’s genealogy is designed to show us the kingly line of Christ and is divided neatly into three 14 generation cycles.


This section highlights the birth of Christ. The critical aspect of the narrative is found in 1:18, where we read that his name “will be called Jesus for he will save his people from their sins.” At the very beginning of the earthly ministry of Christ, we have a clearly stated purpose for his advent: the salvation of sinners. The whole purpose and mission of the Savior is to give his life a ransom for sin.

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