Family Worship: May 26-June 1

Parents, and especially fathers, are called to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Deut. 6:7; Eph. 6:4). One aspect of this calling is to lead your family in family worship faithfully. There are many ways to do that. Below are some suggested family readings and topics of conversation.

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~Lord’s Day, May 26~

Read Luke 14:26-33. Discuss the meaning of Jesus’ words when he says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother…” Discuss the main point of this strong statement. Discuss the picture presented of “bearing the cross.”

~Monday, May 27~

Read Hosea 12. Discuss the indictment Jehovah issues against his people. What are the items? Discuss the historical picture presented in 12:3-6

~Tuesday, May 28~

Read Luke 14:26-33. Discuss the importance of “counting the cost” for following Christ. What is the price? Discuss the sacrifices necessary in this life to follow the Savior faithfully.

~Wednesday, May 29~

Read Hosea 12. Discuss the nature of the “prophet” mentioned in 12:13. Who is that prophet, and how does he present a picture of reconciliation for God’s people? Discuss the fulfillment of that OT character.

~Thursday, May 30~

Read Luke 14:26-33. What two pictures does Jesus draw to illustrate the need to “count the cost” in the Christian life? Discuss some modern-day examples.

~Friday, May 31~

Read Hosea 12. Discuss the indictments of Jehovah and his desire to reconcile his people (12:9-14). Discuss “reconciliation.” What is it, and how does it come to sinners?

~Saturday, June 1~

Prepare for worship this Lord’s Day by reading and discussing the Sermon Text. Use the “Worship Preparation Guide” sent out by the Pastor.