Family Worship: March 31-April 6

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Parents, and especially fathers, are called to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Deut. 6:7; Eph. 6:4). One aspect of this calling is to lead your family in family worship faithfully. There are many ways to do that. Below are some suggested family readings and topics of conversation.

~Lord’s Day, Mar. 31~

Read Mark 16:1-8. Discuss the events of the Resurrection, noting the day of the week. Discuss the implications for worship and why we worship on the first day of the week. See WSC Q59

~Monday, Apr. 1~

Read Hosea 10. What is the word picture presented by Hosea in 10:1-6? What is the meaning of 10:1? What are the problems as stated in 10:2-6?

~Tuesday, Apr. 2~

Read 1 Cor. 15. Discuss why the resurrection is necessary (15:17). Read Rom. 4:25. What does Paul mean when he says that Jesus was “raised for our justification”?

~Wednesday, Apr. 3~

Read Hosea 10. What action is being conveyed by the prophet in 10:7-10? How do these verses describe God’s anger towards idolatry and false worship?

~Thursday, Apr. 4~

Read Rom. 6:5-11. How does the apostle Paul highlight the need for the resurrection of Christ? Discuss the ways in which your old self is “crucified with him.” Discuss spiritual death and spiritual life (Eph. 2:1-10). Discuss how you are “dead to sin.”

~Friday, Apr. 5~

Read Hosea 10. Explain the word picture given by Hosea in 10:11-15. What does God desire for the people (10:12)? What is the result? What is the indictment of 10:13-15? What is the result?  

~Saturday, Apr. 6~

Read Rev. 4:1-11. How do these verses depict your risen Lord? If he is on his throne, what does that say about how you are to live? Read Rev. 21:1-4. How does the resurrection guarantee an eternal hope in the comfortable presence of Christ? Extra: Use the worship guide sent out by the pastor on Saturday.