Family Worship: March 24-30, 2024

Parents, and especially fathers, are called to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Deut. 6:7; Eph. 6:4). One aspect of this calling is to lead your family in family worship faithfully. There are many ways to do that. Below are some suggested family readings and topics of conversation.

~Lord’s Day, Mar. 24~

Read Mark 15:16-32. Discuss the various ways the people mock the Savior. Discuss the ways the world still does that today. Discuss the ways you have been mocked for your love of the Savior.  Discuss what it would have been like to witness the events of the crucifixion. Discuss the people that are named in this passage.

~Monday, Mar. 25~

Read Mark 15:33-47. Discuss the implications present regarding the 6th and 9th hours. Discuss the nature of the question that the Savior offers in this passage.

~Tuesday, Mar. 26~

Read Mark 15:16-32. Discuss the place of the crucifixion. Why is that important in relation to the Temple? Discuss the behavior of the people who are at the cross. Discuss the implications of the Savior being crucified between two criminals. Look up the parallel passages and read through them.

~Wednesday, Mar. 27~

Read Mark 15:33-47. Discuss the ways in which the people continue to mock the Savior.

~Thursday, Mar. 28~

Read Mark 15:16-32. Why do they place the sign “The King of the Jews” over the head of Jesus? What are the implications? Discuss the attitudes of those who passed by the Savior as he hung on the cross. Discuss the events of the crucifixion and why these things needed to take place for you to be rescued from sin.

~Friday, Mar. 29~

Read Mark 15:33-47. Discuss the burial of Christ and the individual who asked for the body of Christ. Discuss the importance of the eyewitnesses who attested that the Lord Jesus was dead.

~Saturday, Mar. 30~

Read Mark 16:1-8. Use the worship guide sent by the Pastor on Saturday in preparation for worship on Mar. 31.