Family Worship: March 10-16

Parents, and especially fathers, are called to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Deut. 6:7; Eph. 6:4). One aspect of this calling is to lead your family in family worship faithfully. There are many ways to do that. Below are some suggested family readings and topics of conversation.

~Lord’s Day, Mar. 10~

Read Mark 14:32-42. Discuss the subject of prayer. Discuss the differences and similarities between private and corporate prayer.

~Monday, Mar. 11~

Read Job 1:6-22. Discuss the ways in which Satan accuses God.

~Tuesday, Mar. 12~

Read Mark 14:32-42. Discuss the circumstances that led Jesus to pray in the temple-like Garden. Discuss circumstances in your life and commit them to pray as a family.

~Wednesday, Mar. 13~

Read Job 1:6-22. Discuss the ways in which God defends Job. Discuss the ways in which God exercises his sovereign control over Satan.

~Thursday, Mar. 14~

Read Mark 14:32-42. Discuss the need to commit various things to your Father and what it looks like to entrust your life to his will. Pray through the Lord’s Prayer and discuss its various elements.

~Friday, Mar. 15~

Read Job 1:6-22. Discuss the ways in which Satan attacks Job. Discuss Job’s response to these terrible trials.

~Saturday, Mar. 16~

Read Mark 14:32-42. Discuss the Lord’s persistence in prayer. Why did he persist and what does that teach you about the nature and attitude of prayer? Extra: Use the worship guide sent by the Pastor on Saturday in preparation for worship on Mar. 17.