Worship Preparation Guide for July 25, 2021


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Call to Worship: Psalm 135:1-3
Confession of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above #214 [Words and Tune)

  2. Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ #460 [Words and Tune]

  3. O Praise the LORD for it is Good #147B [Words and Tune]

Sermon: Mark 5:35-43

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the immediate concern facing Jairus? See Mark 5:35

  2. Why does the individual tell Jairus to not bother “the Teacher”? Are there any concerns that do not garner the attention of the Savior? What concerns are you facing in this life that you may have placed outside the concern of the Lord?

  3. How does Jesus respond to this news? [Two items].

  4. Why is it that Jesus only allowed Peter, James, and John to follow him?

  5. When Jesus arrives at the house, how are the people behaving? What does this teach you regarding death, especially the death of the unsaved?

  6. What is the miracle and how does Jesus show tenderness to the girl?


We know that nothing is impossible for the Lord.

It is clear from the two events in this portion of the gospel of Mark that faith is the central theme. First from the woman “If I touch even His garments, I will be made well” and second, from Jairus. Thus, let me offer a few elements related to these two events under the heading of faith:

1. Faith opens the door to the power of God – it is important to realize that true faith finds its object in God. Faith in faith is not the idea.

2. Faith show persistence in overcoming obstacles – consider the woman and consider Jairus as he was made to wait even to the point of his daughter dying.

3. Faith is proved by action – Faith does not wait for the action hoped for to begin but it steps out and believes the promises of God. That is real faith.

4. True, lively faith trusts the outcome as given by a loving Savior regardless of what that outcome may be.

William Hill