Daily Prayer for July 24, 2021


Prayer: Almighty God, you alone are perfectly and infinitely holy, and, as your creatures, we find that our lives are so often far from you. Though you have redeemed us, there are times when our hearts are cold and distant from your ways. We are thankful that the heart of Christ is toward his people. During times of fear and wandering, he nurtures us and encourages us to walk with him. The bruised reed he does not break. The smoldering wick he does not extinguish. We thank you, Father, for your Son who is kind and gentle with us. We long to have our hearts always tuned to you in the pursuit of holiness. Teach us to number our days that we would use them for you and your kingdom. Please grant us a willing mind and heart to glorify you every moment of the day. You are worthy, Lord. These things we pray in the name of the one who rescued us from sin and misery, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Lev. 11:45; Isa. 42:1-4; 1 Cor. 10:31

William Hill