The Key to the Kingdom of Heaven


Meditation for the day taken from Everyday Prayer with John Calvin written by Donald McKim:

Scripture: Ephesians 3:7-13

In our passage for today, we read of Paul's mission of preaching the gospel, especially to the Gentiles. There are a few items to note in a summary of this passage. First, Paul was "made a minister" (3:7). That was done through the call of the Savior on the Damascus Road. Second, the frame of his ministry was "to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ" (3:9). That calling, to preach, is a calling of heralding the news of the king. In this case, the news and word of Christ, the true King. Third, the church is the place where preaching occurs (3:10). Fourth, and to the point of our devotional today, Paul says that through Christ, we have "boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him" (3:12). Calvin wrote that "God's children have peace with God, and approach him cheerfully and freely. We infer, likewise, from this passage that confidence is necessary in true invocation, and thus becomes the key that opens to us the gate of heaven." (98). It is only through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the great High Priest, that we can have peace and, therefore, boldness and access to our Father in heaven. Without him, we would not have access, and we would be barred from his presence due to our sin. In Christ, as we are covered by his righteousness, we, though sinners, are considered righteous. Thus, our Father hears us as we pray. AsMcKim writes, "only Jesus Christ gives us the confidence to approach God in prayer. WE can call on God, in intimate conversation, through Jesus Christ, who 'intercedes for us'" (Rom. 8:34). The writer to the Hebrews makes the same point in 4:14-16. Through this High Priest and our union with him, we have the confidence to enter boldly in prayer. Pray boldly, friends! Storm the throne of heaven because the key to it is held by your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

prayerWilliam Hill