Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, September 5, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty God that you, through your Spirit, would grant us joy in our hearts as we gather to worship you on the day you have ordered for us. Grant that we would enjoy your presence and demonstrate it as we sing your praises. We thank you that you have given us music in which we can express our love to you. Throughout your Word, we see how your people sang songs of praise for your marvelous works. Grant us that same zeal. Forgive us for being overly conscious of how we sound. Forgive us for holding back and not opening our mouths wide to proclaim your greatness. Forgive us for being selfish, forgetting that we may be sitting near a weary soul who needs the soothing ointment of song in praise to you. We know that you have gifted us with this tremendous privilege -- to sing and praise you. Please give us what you command and help us today to lift the roofs of our churches as we gather in praise to you, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ex. 15; Ps. 100; Eph. 5:19; Rev. 15; Deut. 32

prayerWilliam Hill