Family Worship: November 17-23, 2024

Family Worship

Week Ending November 23, 2024

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Lord's Day, November 17   
Read Phil. 2:14. What is the context of this exhortation when you consider the entire book and the theme of joy?

Monday, November 18
Read Phil. 2:14. Why does grumbling and complaining rob you of joy? Why does it rob others of their joy?

Tuesday, November 19
Read Phil 2:14. What areas in your life are susceptible to complaining and grumbling? Why is that the case? What should you do instead?

Wednesday, November 20
When Paul says, "Do all things without grumbling or questioning" does that mean you cannot speak with those in charge of things about your concerns? What attitude should you have if you are to address things with the leaders of the church?

Thursday, November 21
Read Phil 2:14. Paul says to do all things without grumbling. This is known as a universal prohibition. How does grumbling and complaining harm the unity of the church? What should you do instead?

Friday, November 22
Read Phil. 2:14. Reflect on the history of the people of God of old. What was one of their main sins and how did God respond to them when they committed it?

Saturday, November 23
Read Phil. 2:14-18. Use the worship guide sent out by the pastor to prepare for worship.  

William Hill