Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, May 9, 2021


Prayer: Our Father, we are thankful to you for the blessing of the Lord's Day. It is on this day that the seed, which is your Word, is scattered and falls on the soil of man's heart. it is this seed that is a light to our path and a soothing ointment for our souls. We thank you that you have ordained the preaching of your Word to feed your people and grow your kingdom. Today we plead with you to come and speak to us, by your Spirit, and that the seed sown would fall on good ground and yield a hundred-fold fruit. We pray that as it is sown, those who scatter the seed would draw comfort and strength from the eternal Spirit, waiting patiently for it to grow yielding a great harvest. We plead with you to shake the foundations of the earth as your Word goes out and pray that you would cause your people to listen carefully and obey diligently. Please help us, Lord. Forgive us for the many times we forget what we hear. Please grant us an extra measure of grace today as we enjoy the bounty of your Word. We pray all these things in the name of the living Word, your Son and our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Mark 4:1-29; Ps. 119:105; James 1:22-25

prayerWilliam Hill