Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day: March 27, 2022

Prayer: Grant almighty God that your struggling and suffering people, redeemed by the perfect lamb's blood, would draw comfort and strength from your Word and worship today. We ask that you would give ear to our groaning and pay attention to our cries as we, with streaming tears, pour out our cares before you. As we begin this day, we ask that you would condescend to our needs and answer us in the day of difficulty. Wickedness surrounds us on every side. There are many who rebel against the God of heaven. We look and grieve at the overwhelming number who have rejected you, our God. Yet, to you, we look, and to you, we flee knowing that you are our refuge and strength. Therefore, holy Father, grant us joy and peace as we rest in your divine care, knowing that the wicked will not stand before your eyes. As we enter to worship you today, we pray that you would refresh us with your presence and help us through your Word to look to you for strength in the day of great adversity. Please be merciful to us and help us by your Holy Spirit we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 5

prayerWilliam Hill