Daily Prayer for March 25, 2022

Prayer: Our most glorious God in heaven, we praise you and thank you for your many mercies and incessant faithfulness toward us, your redeemed people. We are thankful that you have revealed yourself to your creature -- men and woman made in your image. Thank you for your Word, which tells us of your kindness and compassion toward sinners and how you have been working throughout history to redeem a peculiar people to yourself. We are humbled that you call us the apple of your eye, your treasured possession, and a royal priesthood. We know that we are thus because of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us. He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might have peace with you. We confess that we often live our lives consumed with the things of this world. We fail to store up treasures in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy. We fail to seek first your kingdom and righteousness. We fail to set our minds on things above, and we fail to deny ourselves and follow all that the Savior commands. Forgive us, Lord. Please remember your promise to us to never leave us or forsake us. You are not like men. You do not lie. You have promised to persevere your people to the very end of their lives. So, please help us and cause us to walk in your ways until we reach that heavenly rest prepared for us through the work of the Lord Jesus. 

We pray for your church and our brothers and sisters in difficult regions of this world. We are grieved at what we are witnessing. Though we are surprised at the wickedness of men, we are reminded that your Word tells us plainly what would happen when men rebel against the God of heaven. Indeed, we are suffering the due consequences of the errors that they have made. We are witnessing what happens when people reject you. As those who have been brought into your glorious light, we grieve and are saddened because the solution to all that ails our land is the glorious hope of the Gospel of your Son. Therefore, Father, we pray that you would pour out your Spirit on your church and this world. We ask that you would shed the light of your Son on the hearts and minds of men and women, boys and girls. Please help us, Lord! We are needy and desperate people, and we live in troubling times. Please glorify yourself in the salvation of sinners we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Lam. 3:22-23; Gen. 1:27; Ps. 17:8; Ex. 19:1-6; Matt. 6:19-24; 33; Rom. 1

prayerWilliam Hill