Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, December 26, 2021

Prayer: Almighty God and heavenly Father, we praise your name today because you are good, and your mercy is given to pitiful creatures of dust. We thank you for the patience and kindness displayed towards us each day. There are not enough words or time to express how grateful we are for your eternal love demonstrated in the giving of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through him, we have been granted rest -- rest from our worries and cares; rest from our sadness and sorrow; rest from a guilty conscience; rest from the misery that awaits all those who do not know you. In Christ, we have the hope of eternal rest when the church militant is no longer at war with the world, the flesh, and the enemy of our souls. Therefore, we praise you for giving us the holiest of days - the Lord's Day. Today we are reminded of your love and favor and the hope of the new heavens and earth. Please help us, Holy Father, to seize this day and use it for the purpose you give it. Please grant us willing hearts and minds to love you more and listen as you speak through the preached Word. Please grant your ministers the words to say, protecting them from he who would seek to distract your people from the eternal truths of your Word. We thank you for your forgiveness, and we thank you for the weekly reminder of your love displayed to helpless sinners. WE pray all of these things through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ex. 34:1-9; Heb. 4; Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:15-17

prayerWilliam Hill