Daily Prayer for January 5, 2022

Prayer: Our glorious and majestic God in heaven, you are sovereign and mighty, full of splendor and strength and a God who delights to rescue pitiful people. You gave us your Word and promised that through the seed of the woman, a redeemer would come to save his people from their sin and misery. In the fullness of time, you brought forth your Son, born of a woman, born under the law that he might rescue his people from the curse of the law. The wonder of your wisdom and grace is inscrutable. Your ways are beyond understanding. We stand amazed that you, the thrice-holy God, would be pleased to consider us and save us. Though we are grateful and offer you thanks with our lips, we know that our actions are often far behind our words. We profess faith in you, but often we act without faith. We say we trust you, but often we are worried and anxious. We say we believe your Word, but often we lean on our understanding. Forgive us, Father. Left to ourselves, we would be a people to be pitied. But you did not leave us to our own devices. You rescued us and saved us that we would dwell on your holy hill. We thank you for forgiveness and cleansing of unrighteousness. WE pleased your favor and grace that we would live to your glory we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 29; Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4; Rom. 11:33-36; Prov. 3:5-6; Ps. 15

prayerWilliam Hill