Daily Prayer for Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 2020

Prayer: Our most gracious and kind Father in heaven, we come to this day in our nation when we remember the many things for which we can be thankful. In a nation that has forgotten your benevolence, your people have not. We remember the numerous ways in which you have guided our steps and protected our lives over the course of the last year. You have never failed to keep all of your promises to your children. You have been faithful to us though we are often faithless. You have given us our daily bread, providing for our physical needs. We are grateful that we have homes to live in and many material blessings that make this life more enjoyable. We enjoy the relationships forged and the families you have given to us. Yet, none of these things would matter without the hope of the gospel that causes us to look to your Son. We are especially grateful for your love that was demonstrated in Christ. We thank you for the hope of the Good News that proclaims loudly that you forgive sin. Please help us today to pause and reflect on your goodness and grace. Grant to us a truly thankful heart in a world that is often discontent and lacking in gratitude. We pray this in the name of Christ. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 100

prayerWilliam Hill