Daily Prayer for November 25, 2020

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we give you heartfelt praise and thanksgiving for all the good things you provide us with in this life. Though we know that eye has not seen or ear heard of the things you have prepared for those who love you, we bless your name today because you have been kind to give us what we need in this life and much more. You have provided us with clothing, shelter, modern conveniences. You have given us relationships that are dear to us. You have provided us your church where we can fellowship with your people and worship you. More than any of these good things, you have given us your Son. By so doing, you have demonstrated your eternal love that never wavers of changes. We confess that we sometimes allow our eyes to gaze at the passing and fleeting things of this life. Help us set our minds and hearts on the things above and live to serve you and your kingdom. Please help us, by your Spirit, to use the good gifts you provide for your glory all of our days. We pray this in the name of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: James 1:17; 1 Cor. 2:9; Col. 3; 1 Cor. 10:31

prayerWilliam Hill