Daily Prayer for December 18, 2021

Prayer: Almighty God we pray that you as our Father would hear the cries and pleas of your people today as they cast their cares upon you. We are your children -- sons and daughters of the Most High - and ask you to remember your promises to us as your adopted family purchased by the blood of our elder brother, the Lord Jesus. As we pray, we are mindful of our weaknesses and failures. It is true, Father, that we sin daily in thought, word, and deed and we are ashamed at how easily we wander from your commands. We praise you for your patience with us, but we still mourn our sin and ask that you forgive us. Father, we plead with you to help those who are struggling with debilitating pain and illness. There are many close to us that struggle with pain and sorrow. We see the breakdown of our bodies due to sin, and we see the toll it takes on those we love. We mourn for them and hurt with them weeping with those who weep. Please be pleased to help them through the struggle. Please guide and direct them, sanctifying them completely through the struggle, helping them to rest in your grace that is sufficient for all things. We pray these things in the name of the one who suffered for our sake, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: 1 Pet. 5:7; Matt. 5:4; Gen. 8:21; Rom. 3:9-23; Eccl. 7:20; Jas. 3:2; 1 Thess. 5:23; 2 Cor. 12:9

prayerWilliam Hill