Daily Prayer for December 15, 2020

Prayer: Our God in heaven, your Word tells us that you are the one who sovereignly places men and women in authority over us in civil affairs. We know that there is no guarantee that these people will be godly and righteous. In fact, history has taught us that oftentimes they are not. Yet, your Word also tells us that these people, as given by you, are given for the good of your church. It is through these means that you perfect and provide and protect your church. We also know that your Word tells us to pray for "kings and all those in authority over us." We confess that we often forget to pray for our leaders and, instead, complain about them. We know that your Word denounces a grumbling and complaining spirit. Forgive us and help us to labor on our knees for our government leaders. Please help us to truly pray and plead with you for their good and the advancement of the gospel and the good of the church. We pray this in the name of Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Rom. 13; 1 Tim. 2:1, 2; Phil. 2:14-18

prayerWilliam Hill