Daily Prayer for December 14, 2020

Prayer: Father, we know that you have ordained prayer for the good of your children. Yet, we so often are prayerless in our prayers. We do not plead with you for things essential for our souls. We offer platitudes to the God of heaven and approach you casually and carelessly. We often ask you for trivial things instead of focusing on things that are needful and eternal. We confess that our prayers often reflect that our eyes are set on earth and not on the world to come. When we pray, we forget your promises to provide for all that we need and to conform us more and more to the image of Christ. Teach us to pray! Please help us to labor on our knees depending on the Spirit who knows your mind and ours. Grant us praying hearts and minds. We ask all of these things in the name of Christ. Amen.

Scripture Mediation: 1 Peter 5:7; Col. 3:1-18; Matt. 6:9-13; Rom. 8

prayerWilliam Hill