Worship Preparation Guide for February 13, 2022

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Worship Preparation Guide for February 13, 2022

Call to Worship: Psalm 75;1

Confession of Faith: The Westminster Larger Catechism Q146-148
VOM Country: Iran

Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. #75 We Give You Thanks, O God

  2. #336 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

  3. #531 Nearer, Still Nearer

Sermon: James 4:1-3

Series: Practical Wisdom in a Godless World

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does this passage connect with the previous one in 3:13-18?

  2. In most cases of church disputes and strife, what do you think is the root cause?

  3. What does James say causes disputes and quarrels in the church?

  4. How does James describe these quarrels? Why does he appeal to the tenth commandment?

  5. What does it mean to ask God with wrong motives and intentions?


  1. Bad preaching and bad theology can lead to church splits and disharmony within the body of Christ, but the greatest threat is discord that comes from self-centered people who always want their own way. They lack submission, and they lack obedience to the words of Christ to serve one another.

  2. Murder happens in the church. Thankfully, it is not that which lands on in prison, but it happens when church members use their words to destroy another person.

  3. Time of disturbance will come to the healthiest of churches. It takes God fueled wisdom to navigate the church through it. If Satan fuels that wisdom, it will lead to more strife and division.

William Hill