Worship Preparation Guide for August 22, 2021



Worship Preparation Guide for August 22, 2021

Call to Worship: Psalm 136:1-3
Confession of Faith: The Westminster Confession of Faith 13.1-3
Hymns and Psalter Selections:

  1. #215 Give To Our God Immortal Praise

  2. #343 What Wondrous Love Is This

  3. #475 Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode

Sermon: James 1:12-15 | Series: Practical Wisdom in a Godless World

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the connection between 1:12 (trials) and 1:13-15 (temptation)?

  2. What is the big idea of the reward of “the crown of life”?

  3. Why does James command his readers not to blame God when they are tempted? What sin is in view when man blames God for being tempted to sin?

  4. Why are we tempted, according to James?

  5. What metaphor does James employ in 1:14? How does this relate to our desires and temptation?

  6. What metaphor does James use in 1:15? What does that teach us regarding the issue of temptation and subsequent falling into sin?

  7. What is the end of all temptation that is not cut-off before it gives birth? What does that mean?


  1. A temptation is a form of trial. There will be times when our trials will introduce temptation. For example, Read Gen. 22. — Abraham was tested by God and told to sacrifice his son. The temptation was to doubt God’s promises.

  2. We are both able to sin and able to not sin. We must learn to mortify the deeds of the flesh. Read Rom. 8:12-13; Rom. 6.

  3. Desire itself is not sinful. Those desires that are contrary to the law of God and his Word are sinful. The deeds and desires of the flesh will be those things that will bring temptation. The source of all temptation is our black hearts. The means to birth sin from our wicked desires will be the world, the flesh, the devil.

  4. What desires are you aware of that are contrary to God’s Word? Read Ps. 139:23-24.

  5. If we are prone to evil and wicked desires, how should that govern what we watch, listen to, read, etc.?

  6. What are areas of your life that are prone to temptation? What are you doing to cut off and mortify those areas?

  7. Reflect on your week. In what ways did you sin? What brought it to pass? Repent from it. Fix your minds on that which is good and pure and seek forgiveness in the Lord Jesus. Read Phil. 4:8.

William Hill