Persevere in Prayer


Meditation for the day taken from Everyday Prayer with John Calvin written by Donald McKim:

Scripture: Romans 12:9-13

During my seminary days, there was a man that labored in the pastorate for over forty years that I came to know and appreciate. In many ways, our discussions, chats, and times of thinking out loud together were a seminary education in itself. His wisdom and counsel to me forged more into my heart and mind than some of my classes. The importance of that friendship granted me the opportunity to learn from one who had walked the road of ministerial life and walked it well. One of the things he would repeatedly tell me is, "Bill, more prayer!" I have vivid memories of the times that we talked in which he would remind me of that simple truth: more prayer!

The apostle Paul tells the church at Rome that very thing. In the passage before us today, he is in the middle of a list of quick-hitting exhortations. He speaks of genuine love, hating evil, being zealous and not slothful, fervent and diligent in the Christian life, and being patient in tribulation. It is here, right after he urges them to endure suffering and trials patiently, that he says, "be constant in prayer." When difficulties come -- and they will come -- we must heed the words of Paul: "Be constant in prayer." Our lives are not always easy. Some things come to us seemingly out of the blue. Friends may fail us. Money runs lows. Relationships are shattered. People snipe at you from a distance. Some have hardships at work. The constant struggle against the enemy and with our won sin -- all of these can weary us. The apostle knows that the ready solution is to be "constant in prayer." Calvin wrote, "Paul not only stimulates us to prayer, but expressly calls for perseverance, because our warfare is unceasing and various assaults arise daily. Even the strongest are unable to bear these without frequent acquisition of new vigour. But diligence in prayer is the best remedy to prevent our being wearied." He is right! Let us all remember to be constant in prayer. Let us all remember that difficulties and hardship will come. Be constant in prayer!

prayerWilliam Hill