Everyday Prayer with John Calvin (Day Five)

Meditation for the day taken from "Everyday Prayer with John Calvin" written by Donald McKim:

Scripture: Psalm 10:12-18

We live in difficult times lately. It is quite natural to feel the pressure of current events and, sometimes, be distressed by it all. God's people are not immune to the struggles and cares of this world. Yet, they have a sure hope and a divine offer to help and hear as we pray and plead our case before the Lord. Too often, we "over-spiritualize" prayer to the point where we are not honest about our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. The Psalmist in Ps. 10 didn't do that. He was honest with the Lord, and God's people should be as well.

McKim writes, "Sometimes God seems aloof -- standing 'far off' (Ps. 10:1). Today's psalmist feels that God is hidden in times of trouble. The wicked seem to prosper, preying on the 'helpless' (see vv. 8-9) and 'think[ing[ in their heart, 'God has forgotten...he will never see it.' In prayer, we can be completely honest with God - can lament, question, and even challenge God. "

Calvin said, "It should always be observed, that the use of praying is, that God may be the witness of all our affections; not that they would otherwise be hidden from him, but when we pour out our hearts before him, our cares are hereby greatly lightened, and our confidence of obtaining our requests increases." (23)

God knows the condition of our hearts, and he knows the weight of each burden you may currently carry. Be plain and honest, as the Psalmist demonstrates in his cry to the Lord. Pour out your heart to him. He hears, and he sees, and he will answer you. (See Ex. 2:23-25).

prayerWilliam Hill