Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, September 26, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty God that your redeemed people would listen carefully to the voice of the Good Shepherd of the sheep. AS your people, we know that his sheep hear his voice, and that voice comes primarily through your Word proclaimed. As we sit in our pews on another Lord's Day, please grant to us a willing heart and mind to listen as though it is the last sermon we will ever hear. Grant your ministers the passion, zeal, and fire to preach as though it will be the last thing they ever preach. We know that your Word is a light to our path, and we long to be shown the way in a dark and difficult sin-wrecked world. Please help us, Father. We are your servants, and we desire to hear from your Son, so give us the ears to hear, the minds to receive, and the hearts to follow your Son and our Shepherd we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: James 1:22-25; Psa. 23; Psa. 119:105; 1 Sam. 3:10

prayerWilliam Hill