Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, September 12, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty and holy God that your people would gather in worship today to sing your praises and listen intently to your Word as sheep that often stray and have a great need to be guided by the light given for our journey. You know our frame -- that we are but dust. You know how prone to wander we are and how much we need your Holy Spirit to guide our way and illumine our minds and hearts. Father, forgive us for so easily straying from your commandments. As the church of old, we, too, are often stiff-necked and stubborn. Too often, we hear without listening, and then, we great sorrow, we realize that we have become mere hearers of your Word and not also obedient to it. Forgive us, Lord. Please grant us a great willingness to listen and to do all you tell us. Please give us attentive hearts that we may not fall and perish on our journey we pray through Christ our Lord and the Good Shepherd of the sheep. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 23; James 1:19-25

prayerWilliam Hill