Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, March 6, 2022

Prayer: Almighty God, we praise you for your divine providence in ordering a new day for us. This day is no ordinary day because it is the day that you call your people away from their worldly cares, employment, and recreations to sit at the feet of the Savior and find rest and comfort for our souls. We confess to you, our God, that our souls are weary from the activities and cares of this life. The effects of sin are all around us and in us. We are burdened with so many things. We are less like Mary and more like Martha, anxious and troubled by many issues. We thank you that you gave us Lord's Day that we might have the good portion of this life and be reminded of the life to come. Please, O God, remind us of the rest that is ours in your Son. Please grant us something of your presence as we gather with our brothers and sisters in public worship. Please help us cast our cares on you because you care for us. Please help us to hear the living voice of our Savior today as your Word is preached, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Luke 10:38-42; 1 Pet. 5:7

prayerWilliam Hill