Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day: January 12, 2025

Prayer: Our Father, you are glorious and great, the God of our salvation, working wonders in our sight and promising us hope for the age to come. We know that it is due to your abundant mercy that we are not treated as our sins deserve. You are good and have been good to your people that you love. You call us the apple of your eye and your treasured possession. You are faithful to us each day, though we are often faithless, seeking our pleasures and desires instead of what you want and command. We thank you for giving us this one day in seven to remind us of your covenant faithfulness. We thank you that this day is a reminder of the eternal rest we await when we will see you, be like you, and be with you forever. Though we are pilgrims in this world, you treat us with affection and care, not breaking the bruised reed. We confess, our God, that we often feel beat up by the affairs of this world. Today, you take us aside from the cares of this life and call us to praise you and hear from you as your Word is read and preached. We ask for your blessing on your worship. We ask for you to make your face shine on us as we gather to honor you, the King of Ages. Please help your ministers as they proclaim your Word. Please help your people as they listen to it. Please restrain the efforts of the Evil One to snatch the good seed from the souls of your people. Please open our eyes and ears we ask and pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Isa. 58:13, 14; 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Ex. 20:8-11