Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, August 8, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty God that as you called your people of old to commune with you in a tent, we would be called by you to worship and glorify you on the day that you have made for this purpose. Grant to us a zeal for your majesty and a desire to commune with you, not in fading glory as in the days of old, but with a greater weight of glory through the never-changing and abiding nature of the God-man, your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Please cause your people to jealously guard your worship, for it is there that we hear from you as you speak to us in and through your infallible Word. Grant your ministers unction of the Holy Spirit as they proclaim Christ and him crucified. Help them to preach, not with the words of men, but as a powerful demonstration of your Spirit. Shake the foundations of the earth with your Word and presence in our midst and grant your people ears to hear and a willingness to obey through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ex. 34:34-38; Ps. 100; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 4:1-5; 1 Cor. 2;1-5; James 1:22-25

William Hill