Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day, August 15, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty God that as we gather together in public worship today, you would bring all of your redeemed people to behold your majesty and glory. We thank you that you have ordered one day in seven for the corporate worship of your people, knowing that you have promised to meet with us and speak to us through your Word read, and especially proclaimed. We confess that we are not always eager for this great duty and privilege. We are forgetful that we are to enter your courts with praise and thanksgiving. We often come with a lack of hunger and thirst that can only be satisfied by your Word. Forgive us, Father, and please help us to listen and do what we hear. We ask that you would be with those men, called of your Spirit, that they would preach Christ boldly. We long to see and hear from Jesus today! Therefore, loving and gracious God, spare your people from false teaching and men who would tamper with your Word. Grant to us a powerful demonstration of your Spirit through your Word we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 29; Ps. 100; Matt. 5:6; James 1:22-25; 2 Cor. 4:2; John 12:21

William Hill