Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day April 18, 2021


Prayer: Our glorious and majestic God, you who have condescended to sinners and invited them into your presence through your blessed and only begotten Son, we praise you for the Lord's day, the queen of days and marketplace for our souls. On this day, you graciously invite your people to come and behold your glory and hear from you as your Word is read and proclaimed. Through the gathering of the saints, we are perfected and encouraged to persevere in our labors through this life. As pilgrims, we need this day to be encouraged in our hope of that which is ahead for those who love you and are called according to your purpose. We long for the completion of your gathering your people to yourself and look forward with great expectation to the New Heavens and the New Earth, where we will worship you in perfection and holiness. Please grant us a greater zeal to approach you today and to praise you with our voices in song. Please give us ears to hear and eyes to see your beauty and majesty as your Word is read and proclaimed. Grant us more diligence to not only hear your Word but to do what we hear. We pray these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture Mediation: Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 19:1-6; Ex. 20:8-11

prayerWilliam Hill