Daily Prayer for September 7, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty God that we your people, chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in your sight, we lean upon you through the storms that we must endure in this fallen world. Your word plainly tells us that you are our refuge and strength. We know that you have been our help in ages past and a shelter from the stormy blast, and for that, we are thankful. You have proven your faithfulness day unto day, and, therefore, we have no reason to fear what man will do. We confess the miserable state of our nation and world. We look around, and we see so much rebellion and so much evil. We mourn and grieve these things and confess to you that we sometimes grow weary and anxious -- we fret! Forgive us, Father. We know that you have ordered these things according to your sovereign decree. Since your Word tells us that you are good and just, doing all things for the well-being of your church, we know that we can rely on you even in those times when things are hard to understand. Therefore, our God, help us, we plead. Humble us and cause us to see that while it may seem that you are doing nothing, what you are doing would not likely be believed by us even if you told us. You are God, and we bow before your divine right to rule and reign as you see fit. Give us more of your grace we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 46; Lamentations 3; Eph. 1; Habakkuk 1:1-5; Ps. 115:3
Hymn: O God, Our Help in Ages Past

prayerWilliam Hill