Daily Prayer for September 16, 2021


Prayer: Our almighty and sovereign Father, we praise you and thank you that you order all things for the good of your people. We know that your Word tells us that we are the apple of your eye, your treasured possession and that you love us. We thank you that you order all things for our good though we cannot always understand what you are doing. We know that as you work on us and in us that you are doing so to conform us to the image of Christ. We confess that we often resist those things and strive against you because we are creatures of dust. As we contemplate the world in which we live, we see so much heartache and sorrow. We know that sin is the root cause of bitter rivalries and horrible things. We know that your Son is the only hope and solution to what ails your creation and creatures. We thank you that you have offered him to us as the only redeemer between God and men. We pray that you would humble us and break us and fashion us after your will. Grant to us a more willing Spirit to accept dark providences knowing that your steadfast faithfulness and glorious hope of the new heavens and new earth stands behind all that you do. Grant us hearts willing to accept what you bring into our lives we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Rom. 8:28; Gen. 50:20; Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 1 Tim. 2:5-6

William Hill