Daily Prayer for September 1, 2021


Prayer: Grant almighty God that you would bless your people today with a measure of your grace and kindness. You are the LORD, and there is no other. You are a God of great kindness and compassion, knowing that we are but dust, prone to wander and prone to leave the God we love. We thank you for your Word that is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. We thank you that it lights our way and steadies our hands helping us to live faithful lives before you. We confess our weakness and failures -- indeed, our sins and transgressions that are always before us. We mourn indwelling sin and the irreconcilable war that exists in our members. Yet, we praise you for giving us a new heart, wrought by the work of the Spirit of God, that enables us to see and live in your Kingdom. Please help us, Father, to walk worthy of the calling you have placed on our lives. We are humbled that you loved us before we ever loved you. You have demonstrated your love by giving us the Lord Jesus, our Savior, and your only begotten Son. Grant to us a greater affection for all that he did that we would have peace with you through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ex. 34:5-7; Ps. 103:13-14; Heb. 4:12-13; Matt. 5:4; Gal. 5:17; Ps. 51; John 3

prayerWilliam Hill