Daily Prayer for October 23, 2020

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, you alone are holy. Your Word tells us that you are the thrice-holy God who is to be feared and adored. You have revealed yourself to your creatures and shown us that you are a God of loving-kindness and compassion. You gave us your Law and set before us your moral demands that display your righteousness and perfection. Yet, we are ashamed in reading and hearing them because we break them and sin against you daily in thought, word, and deed. Forgive us, Father, as recipients of your law and as those who have been redeemed by the blood of the spotless lamb. We long to be obedient, and as we proclaim our love for the Savior, we are reminded that our love is demonstrated in our desires and actions to obey all that you have commanded. Grant us more love for you and a greater zeal to obey all that you have commanded us. 

We pray for our families -- all those who are outside of your family. We pray for their salvation and ask that you would open their eyes that they may behold you and flee to the Savior who offers compassion and hope and the forgiveness of sin. We pray these things in the name of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Isa. 6; Ex. 34:1-9; Ex. 20:1-2; John 14:15

prayerWilliam Hill