Daily Prayer for November 4, 2020

Prayer: Father in heaven, we give you the glory due to your name today because you have given promises to your people and have guaranteed to watch over them and deliver them from the mystery of this life. Though there is much we do not understand and cannot explain, we know that you are governing all things through your perfect providence. We thank you that whatever you do is right and good and confess that we do not always recognize your hand in all things. We pray for your help today -- that you would help us to lean not on our own understanding and acknowledge you in all things. We humbly ask that you will bring about the changes in our world for your people's good and that your people would respond with greater love and affection toward you. We plead for more hungering and thirsting after righteousness and a quiet peace that comes from knowing that you will never let us go and will faithfully lead and guide your people to the end of their lives. We pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 118:1-29; Isa. 40:26; Prov. 3:5-6

prayerWilliam Hill