Daily Prayer for November 30, 2021

Prayer: Grant almighty God that we as your redeemed people would love your church, the very bride of your beloved Son, as you do. We grieve at how poorly we treat her at times. We see how she is sometimes maligned, scorned, and treated with selfish motives and goals. We sometimes use the church to promote our ego and fail to use the gifts you have given to us for the good of your people. We see our grievous attitudes and how we act immaturely when we do not get what we want in the way we want it. We are ashamed that we do not treat the church with the dignity, respect, and honor you give her. Forgive us, Father. Please grant to us a great love for your church, the very bride of your dear Son. Please grant us patience with others in the church, a zeal to serve and love them, and a willingness to extend maximum charity. 

We ask that you would strengthen your church wherever she may be found. We plead with you to purify her and make her a beautiful bride adorned with beauty and majesty for her husband. We pray that your church would boast in their husband, the Lord Jesus Christ, and exalt him in all things. Finally, we ask for your church to be useful salt and light in a decaying and dark world. We ask these things through Christ our Lord, the church's king, head, and husband. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Is. 43; Eph. 5:25-27; Rev. 19:7-9; 21:9; 2 Cor. 11:2

prayerWilliam Hill