Daily Prayer for November 23, 2020

Prayer: Our God in heaven, we praise your name today because you have done great and mighty works in the lives of your redeemed people. You are a faithful and unchanging God, doing all that you promise. You have covenanted with your Son and, through him, with the people, he came to save to guarantee their safety through their pilgrimage in a world that is passing away. We thank you for the promise of the New Heavens and New Earth. We look forward with great hope and expectation of that great day when we gather with the congregation of your people to express our praise and adoration without the burden of sin. We ask that you would hasten the day in which the Lord Jesus returns. We pray that we would labor well until then and that you would bring many into the glorious kingdom that is ruled by the King of kings and Lord of lords. We pray this in his name. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Psalm 111

prayerWilliam Hill