Daily Prayer for November 2, 2021

Prayer: Grant almighty God that your redeemed people would praise you and do your holy will today as you guide them by your divine providence through all our affairs as ordered by you. We thank you that we can trust you to lead us and guide us -- that nothing that happens to us is by mere chance or coincidence, but all designed for your glory and our good. We desire to see you glorified in our lives, and we long to see you exalted in heaven and earth. Therefore, we pray that your will would be done in the lives of your creatures and that you would do exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything we can ask or think. We confess that we often grumble and complain about the circumstances of our world because we do not trust you as we should. Yet, you have promised great things for us, and therefore, we ask that you would bless us and help us be a believing people -- trusting in your never-changing promises that are yes and amen in the Lord Jesus Christ in whose name we pray. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Matt. 6:9-11; Prov. 3:5-6; Eph. 1; Ps. 115:3; Dan. 4:34-35; Eph. 3:20

prayerWilliam Hill