Daily Prayer for November 17, 2020

Prayer: Our great God in heaven, you who are the only true God, we bless your name today because you care deeply for your people. You have declared that the church is the apple of your eye and a treasured possession. We know that we are such only because of your great grace displayed in the person and work of the Savior. As our holy God, we are saddened at the reality of indwelling sin. These things that dog our days and cause us to fall short of the glory you deserve are those things that we long to be rid of forever. Thus, we look forward to the return of the King, The Lord Jesus. We wait, with patience and hope, the coming of the New Heavens and the New Earth. We plead with you that our Lord would come quickly! Until then, Father, help us to walk with you, seeking first your kingdom and righteousness. Work in us a greater love for you and others. Help us to joyfully obey you because of all that you have done for us. We pray this in the name of Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Isa. 6; Ex. 19:1-15; Rev. 20-21; John 10

prayerWilliam Hill