Daily Prayer for May 3, 2021


Prayer: Almighty God, we thank you for a new day in which your mercies are refreshed in our lives. Your faithfulness to your people is new every morning, and as a God of truth, we have great confidence in your promise to sustain us and help us on our journey. We are thankful for your Word and how it encourages us in our daily lives as we pilgrim as exiles in this world. While we long for the day in which we will enjoy your presence in the New Heavens and the New Earth, we plod on in this life with the sure hope of your love and favor for us. Your word tells us that you created us and called us by name. In that, we are told how much you love us and care for us. Your Word tells us that you will be with us through the various trials of this life, and your continual presence strengthens us. Your Word tells us that we are precious in your sight and loved with an infinite love. We are grateful beyond words for your sustaining care and kindness displayed to us. Though we are sinful creatures and offer our best labors mingle with sin, we know that you accept us in Christ. Through your adopting work, you are pleased to call us sons and daughters. Thank you, Father, for your care and help us today to glorify you out of gratitude for all you do for us each day. We pray these things in the name of the Savior, your Son, and our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Lam. 3:22-24; Is. 43:1-4; Eph. 1

prayerWilliam Hill