Daily Prayer for May 16, 2021


Prayer: It is with great delight that we bow before you, our great God and Father, on this another Lord's Day. We are so thankful to you for wisely carving out a day that we can gather with your people in worship to sing your praise and hear from you. We know that you have determined to bless the Lord's Day and we know that we are often forgetful in striving to keep it as you have commanded. We sin when we allow our time to be spent in idleness. We sin when our conversations are on our world work and recreations. Forgive us, Father. Please help us to have conversations about your Word and your works. Please grant to us a greater zeal for this day and see it as a pleasure and joy. We pray these things in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen

Scripture Mediation: Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; Is. 58:13-14

prayerWilliam Hill