Daily Prayer for May 10, 2021


Prayer: Almighty God and Father of your redeemed people, we who are needy and weary come to bow before your majesty today to ascribe to you honor and glory and praise. You alone are the one true God, though we live in a world that cranks out their own idols on a daily basis. Unlike the idols of our lives, you are a God that hears, sees, and acts according to your purpose and decree. You have promised your people to accomplish all things, bringing us safely to our heavenly rest. You, a God who cannot lie, have guaranteed the glorious end of all those that your Son redeemed. As the Greater Moses, he has delivered us from the bondage of Egypt, freeing us to walk in the newness of life. You have given us eyes to see and ears to hear. Yet, this new sight causes us great distress as we look at a world that rebels against you. You invite sinner, yet they rebel. You offer sinners a great bounty, yet they insist on starving. We plead with you to open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf. Please be pleased, Father, to grant your great work of salvation to our family, friends, loved ones, and all those you are pleased to call to yourself. Thank you for hearing us as we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 115; Rom. 6:4; Deut. 18:15

prayerWilliam Hill